One not so happy thing that has been timed with Isaac's birth is the sad passing of my dear friend Rhyanne. She fought a good fight to try to overcome breast cancer and she never lost hope that healing would come.. however in the end it was not meant to be. And her journey in this world has ended and she has left behind a devoted husband and three gorgeous children who all share the same light as what she possessed. Her funeral last week was a beautiful celebration of her life and it captured the essence of her beautifully. I was honoured to be asked with some others to set up the foyer of the church with some of her craft things and it was a joy to do this. One testimony I will never forget in regards to her life is this beautiful picture she painted only days before she died - it shows the vibrant awesomeness of her character and I truly believe it was a miracle that she had the strength to create something so beautiful in her last days. This was at the front of the church at her funeral and it was marvelled at.
There's still so many fun times and things I wanted to do with Rhyanne. Things I wanted to create and share with her and vice versa. I miss her already I can't imagine church without her smile but I know she's in a better place finally free of pain and smiling even more now!!