Sunday, December 30, 2007
Christmas Day
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Playgroup Christmas Party
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Christmas @ the Zoo
This is a bit different from the things some of you will be doing in the UK! Going to a special Christmas celebration at the zoo - complete with a very summery pacific Santa (Samoan and wearing a lavalava). We had a lovely picnic with the rest of Auckland and with a very cheeky Pukeko who wanted to try my not very tasty quiche! Emma had her first experience on a bouncy castle which lasted 30 seconds or so! As well as Christmas carols and entertainment. And then of course we had to visit the animals while we were there - the monkeys were especially entertaining tonight and the hippo (who Emma has named Harry) always puts on a good show tonight showing us his teeth! When we asked what she liked best she stated it was the elves & mice (people dressed up as...) We've recently purchased a Friends of the Zoo pass (thanks to UK birthday money) so we have lots of Summer zoo trips planned. Last week we went with Jo, Alex and Hamish - so thats when the gorgeous photo of Em and Alex having a cuddle was taken!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Christmas Angel!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Christmas in Emma's Room...
Friday, November 23, 2007
Sticker Girl!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Emma's Teddy Bear Picnic
Teddy Invites Emmy having a play pre party
Today we had Emma's 2nd birthday party which was a teddy bear's picnic. Above is an example of the invitations that were sent out to four of her favourite wee friends, Aunty Janelle, Uncle Skip and Grandma.
Food glorious food! Party favours
Emma's favourite word for the last week has been 'party!' And she loved having all her friends here. Everyone seemed to have a good time and happy memories were made!
Teddy Birthday cake & Calico Bears
Sophie waiting for a group photo! & Grace
Favourite photo of the day with Aunty Janelle.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Claire's 2cents Worth!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Play, Book & Park
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Small bits of Life!
Here's a few snippets of different things we've been up to lately...
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Emma & Dudley
Well not much gets Emma down... Despite being sick again this time with tonsillitis she is still happy playing. Here she is happily deciding Dudley looks a bit chilly so dressing him in a scarf found in my wardrobe. She also is very observant noticing that Dudley hadn't had his fur brushed today so she gave that a go too - using Daddy's hair brush!! Life lesson from Emma for the week - find amusement in the little things despite how you may be feeling!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Child Abuse - A National Problem
Yesterday at 12.12pm everyone in New Zealand was encouraged to stop what they were doing and to stand out on the street for three minutes. This was to symbolize that we as a nation are not going to tolerate child abuse and if we see something dodge we will do something about it. The statistics of child abuse which has ended in death in New Zealand is shocking. The recent three year old that was killed in Rotorua shocked me to the core. So I did stand out on my little street yesterday (although I did get a little distracted picking up old raisin packets from the car!) But today watching this youtube video it made me just want to scream again....
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
One of the things I love about blogging is being able to share Emma's firsts... And the above pictures are the evidence of her first real attempt at painting this afternoon. I've been trying to encourage painting every now and then with not much success - but today I brought some cool sponges from the $2 shop and they were a hit. Emma seemed to love it and kept saying "Wow!" (Her word for the week). She did enjoy using a paint brush as well as the sponges. Watch this space for more paintings in the future from our little budding artist!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Sickie Girl
Our wee baby girl is currently on her first ever course of antibiotics... Emma has a nasty ear infection & a sore throat. She was miserable on Thursday with a temperature and much the same again on Friday.. we went to the Dr's and by this stage her temp was 40 degrees. I always feel a little split with the child sickness thing and when to take her to the Doctors. There's half of me that says I'm a paediatric nurse - we don't need a Doctor (arrogant I know!) And then there's the part of me that panics and cries when she has so much as a sniffle! Rob's at a conference all day today - so I'm very thankful that Aunty Janelle & Grandma came over for lunch & a catch up.