Last week our car was towed! Yep $180 later - more than just a slap on the hand for parking in the wrong spot (all my fault...) but an almighty whack that hurt! The thing that hurt that most was the pleasure the towing company seemed to gain from me turning up flustered with a toddler on my hip! (How do they sleep at night?) Anyway.... I have been meaning for a couple of months' to start a gratitude journal - or at least to write at least three things in my diary each day that I'm thankful for. Simply to try and be a little more positive... On the day my car was towed I was very happy - Emma and I had visited a toy shop which was full of very grumpy, very flustered, very unhappy staff. Didn't really suit the beauty of the shop - so Emma and I made up for it by being very happy and playing with lots of toys for over an hour... However, my mood soon changed when after visiting the next shop to come out and find my car had been towed. I went from happy go-lucky -nothing -can -bother -me to a very angry crazed woman within minutes! Which kinda got me thinking... Anyway my gratitude comments are under way in my diary - but here's three real easy one's to think of straight away...
1. Emma - the joy and sunshine of our lives. No one makes me laugh as much!
2. Rob - I've been mostly a grumpy wife this last weekend - full of a cold and sick of being sick and sick of working... I'm grateful to Rob for the things he does round the house - like water blasting the deck this last weekend. I'm grateful he's a fantastic Dad and a wonderful provider.
3. I forgot to mention in my towing story - there were some fantastic workman close by who took pity on me - and one guy drove me to the towing yard. If he hadn't of done this I would probably still by wandering how to get to New Lynn from Mt Eden! Also I'm grateful that I could easily make up for the fine by doing an extra shift at work - made it easier to tell Rob too!!
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