Once again it's been a wee while since I blogged... And so much of life has changed for the better! Everyone knows by now (I think...) that I'm 15 weeks pregnant with no. 2! Very delighted and thankful and still blown away daily at the reality that I will be holding a new babe in early 2011. I'm finding I'm having to slow down a little bit and nausea is still there when I'm hungry which I can handle cos I just keep on eating!! Emma is delighted too she has nicknamed the baby Percy which is kinda cute but not a name we would choose... We have however brought a Percy Bear - which the babe (I keep thinking boy) will be able to have from day one. Here's the first official photo and Percy Bear. Hope life is all good with you - have a grand weekend! X
We're also up to our eyeballs in bathroom renovations which is all going well. Can't enter the bathroom today cos of some under floor heating stuff that's gone down... Maybe a good excuse to stay in my PJ's all day!! Especially seem Em's sick and staying home from kindy today.
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