Thursday, February 1, 2007

A Summer Wedding!

A couple of weeks ago my cousin Lianne married her partner Warren. This was the third wedding that Emma has been to - and thankfully she was good as gold at this one. Although she did start making a little noise during the vows - but nothing that a dummy wouldn't hush! It was great seeing extended family again and catching up with Mum's side of the family. My cousin Lianne is extremely talented at sewing and smocking and every young female guest had one of Lianne's creations on - Emma had a choice of about five - we opted for the pink roses. So I knew Lianne's wedding would be gorgeous and every last detail was thought about - she had even made the table napkins. The other thing that really impressed me is she made each of the kids that went their own little individual bag of goodies. Emma loved hers - especially the pink ballerina bear. So we had a lovely day and wish Lianne & Warren the best of wishes for the future.

1 comment:

The Haywards said...

Wow, that is amazing!!! She must have spent like a year doing all that organising and making things! Impressive. Her smocking is amazing! Those are beautiful, beautiful dresses she has made Em. She (Em) looks gorgeous and you scrub up quite nicely too Claire hahahhaahah.