Friday, February 16, 2007


Well I'm another year older. The other day I was reading in the paper about a lady whose friends gave her a list of 30 things to do before she turned 30 - (it was in the paper because one of the things was to get her picture printed in the paper). I wander what things Rob and I would come up with for each other if we wrote out 40 things to do before we turn 40 - um interesting thought! It inspired me to look at my life list something I wrote a long time ago, it was an idea inspired by Oprah. It's nice to see I'm achieving some things - like becoming a Mum etc. I also add to this list too like a recent addition is to do a safari trip in South Africa... It's great to think I'm happy where I am in life and I'm enjoying it with all the joys and challenges that it brings therefore no fear of a midlife crisis at this point!

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