Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Six Weird Things About ME!

I've just noticed my friend Gillian tagged me which means I'm suppose to list 6 weird things about myself! Umm well here goes.. this is for you Gillian... I hope the UK people don't think I'm crazy...

  1. I love washing. My Nana once said that a sign of a good housewife is judged by the way she puts out the washing.. I have taken this to heart - I would never hang out a top with a yellow peg on one side and a pink on the other - no they have to match! And all the tops should be on one line, the knickers should be hidden etc etc.. I also have this routine where I use all the yellow pegs first, then the white ones, then the purple ones etc.. I hate it when Rob puts out the washing especially seem he thinks pegs are a waste of time - fancy that!!
  2. I have this thing about toilet paper - the flap has to be on top if not I'll change it no matter where I am doing my business!
  3. One new thing I'm obsessed with is children's' books. I could easily spend over an hour reading them in a book shop and if I were rich Emma would have a library attached to her room. Yesterday late in the afternoon we went to the library so there was no time to read her the books before bed - I however had fun sitting on the couch reading them myself!
  4. I have an irrational fear of sleeping in high rise buildings! Not sure whether it's related to Sept 11 or something... I'm fine when I'm awake and I'm also fine hanging off a cliff or something... Very strange.
  5. I am obsessed with memories. Emma has a journal, a blog, a daily diary, a scrapbook, a calender which I list things on and a memory box... I'm so scared of forgetting her childhood. I look at these things a lot I'm completely sentimental. The other day I found some of her newborn socks which were tiny to store in her memory box..
  6. I think I have a little secret desire to be a pop star! I think I sing a lot more than the average person - sometimes I go to church mainly for a good sing-song! Sometimes I wander if I was in a girl band which one would I want to be in?? And how cool would I be? At the moment I think it would be cool to be a dixie chick. If I'm not singing I still have a song going through my head - it's like a soundtrack playing for my life... Music I listen to has to suit my mood.
So there it is six weirdish things about me!

I thought of one more: I think the funniest movie ever made is Amelie a french one. I have only one friend who agrees with me everyone else thinks this movie is strange. I love the innocent humour of it - I have the DVD if anyone wants to borrow it.


The Haywards said...

You are soooo weird claire! hahahhahah, love your list! That is so funny about the washing because I ALWAYS remember you telling me what your nana thought about washing when we were teenagers!!!! I still think about it to this day! How weird! :-)

Our Whanau said...

Helloooooooooo Claire! You are looking soooo good and your daughter is gorgeous. It has been ages since we last saw you - obviously the Haywards haven't been entertaining us all as much! Hope you don't mind me checking out your blog..... just wanted to say hello, and
I LOVE AMELIE TOO! The whole gnome thing just cracks me up! But then, I think I might be slightly crazy, so I don't know if that's a good thing or not!

Anonymous said...

Amelie is a bad movie and got me into lots of trouble!You have summed yourself up very well. but with all your weird ways I still love you! Love the photos and your blogging will be a regular visitor. Janelle