Friday, March 27, 2009

Something Old & Something New

About a year ago I accidentally/on purpose borrowed some dolls clothes from Mum's house... These are gorgeous little numbers that take me right back to my own childhood. I automatically know when I pick up the silver/pink one that it has a broken button at the back - I remember that the pink bootie has a hole and I remember the hours I use to spend playing with dolls, my old favourites and even dressing my cat Shadow in them etc... I think some of these clothes were created by my Mum's Grandmother, so isn't it awesome to think that Em is playing with dolls clothes that were made by her Great Great Grandmother. Even if the old ponchos look a little out of place on Igglepiggle and Upsy Daisies! It is fun to watch Emma play and I love it when I hear that small voice saying "Will you help me...." Then everything else can wait....