Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Playgroup Christmas Party

And the best Christmas party so far was the final playgroup of the year. There was a wonderful music session conducted by two very holy angels! Lots of incredibly delicious party food. One of the highlights for Emma was a fire engine coming with real fire fighters. Now the reason this was a highlight is because Emma has the DVD 'Elmo goes to the firehouse' - so today when she saw the fire engine the first thing she said was Elmo! Elmo is currently her latest obsession! Someone she's not to sure about is Santa. Today she managed to go up to him because he was holding out a present for her! Otherwise with all the shopping trips we've made she is happy to wave at Santa and say "Bye bye'" but if he talks to her she becomes very very shy!! Maybe next year we'll get Emma in the photo with Santa....

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