Tuesday, February 3, 2009

First Day of Kindy!

Emma has just survived her first day at Kindy! I was a little sad last night - knowing it was the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter in her life... I love kindergartens and the whole philosophy around them and it's all part of the bigger picture with school in mind! Kindy is 2 and a half hours three times a week - focusing on learning through play and then when she's four she moves up to mornings five times a week in preparation for school. So that means I'll be missing my little gem for seven hours every week - I'm thinking I might do housework, go for a run, sleep & scrapbooking! But we'll see.... but first I have to learn to let her go just a little bit!
Also - yesterday we had a great day to celebrate kindy starting - a real Mummy/Daughter date day. Firstly I took Emma to the movies for the first time - she wasn't so keen on the movie previews but the actual movie (Madagascar 2) she loved. It was nice being in the movies with only 5 other people - didn't have to feel so bad with all Em's questions.. "But why did the lion do that Mummy..!" Very cute phase! A McDonalds Happy Meal was also enjoyed together. And then we explored and played on a playground we haven't been to before. And then to top everything off we went to the Fairy Shop and brought clips for the first day at Kindy! While Mummy went to a shop further up and brought pretty tea cups... retail therapy can't beat it!

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